sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010


When i was child, i used to visit with my mom and my brother to my grandmom, but her died when I’m 10 years old, this event is very difficult for me because I her loved very much.

Also, I used to play soccer with my friends, but now in can’t play because I have family and my time is for they, but too I used to play hide and seek with my friends, my cousins and my brother, this moments is wonderful, now I play hide and seek, but with my daughter, Camila, she is the more fantastic in the world.

My mom used to be very severe, she used to give us, to my brother and me, many vegetables, I used to cry because the vegetables don´t like, but my mom used to bind us to eat, now I don’t like vegetables, my favorite food is meat, chicken, rice, pasta and some fruits as the apple, orange, strawberries and grapes.

I didn’t use to wear pants because don’t like, I used to use shorts, sneakers and t-shirts, too I used to dress school uniform, this uniform was gray pants, white shirt, purple tie, blue bag and black shoes, now I use one uniform, but don’t is for the school, is for my work.

I didn’t use to study English because in this time, don’t was very important as now, for my, was more important mathematics and history, now I’m studying English in the university, but is very difficult for me.

Finally, I didn´t use to have girlfriends because I was very shy, but when I graduated, I lost this shyness and after of my grade I have one or two girlfriends, but when I saw which today is my wife, I loved forever.

John Emerson Torres Vanegas

1 comentario:

  1. Good info..my friend...Keep in contact stablishing your opinino and ideas ion this Blog....Thank you
