viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

What did you use to do when you were a child?

when i child i use to play soccer , i use to play in a Bogota league, also i didn`t use to do the homework of the school i was lazy but in the school i was good, my mother use to don`t worry for this school, well sometimes.... i used to visited to my grandfather in Girardot, on vacations i and my parents were.
 Also i vacation i used to take the courses of several topics how swimming, basketball (i don`t like this deport) between others....
also when i`m i child with my family used to travel for the boyaca because in this place we has a family an a farm.

Christian Jimenez

1 comentario:

  1. Hey Christian what happened with your photo?...Good info but do not forget your photo dude... Thanks a lot
